槟州共有高达85%工程项目,不遵守淤泥沉积物监管规划(ESCP),为此,槟州工程、基本设施及治水工程委员会再里尔将在近期,透过槟州行政会议,修改1974年道路、沟渠及建筑法令,以提高罚款,严厉对付违例者。 他今日在第14届第2季第2次的州议会总结环节说,“泥泞监督委员会”(Jawatankuasa Ops Lumpur)从2017年至今年10月共进行了90次的突检,其中共有77项,即85%的工程被发现不遵守侵泥沉积物监管规划。
Tag: Ops Lumpur
Welfare and community
Zairil: Action was taken immediately; special task force found irregularities at the construction site prior to the landslide
PENANG Works, Utilities and Flood Mitigation Committee chairman Zairil Khir Johari has denied allegations that complaints on Bukit Kukus that were sent to him were not attended. “Allegations...