DEPRESSION and emotional stress have greatly affected some of our loved ones and people around us, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic that hit us for the past three...
为促进槟州青年与政府之间的交流与关系,槟州青年发展机构及槟中总青商团联合举办“非政府组织青年对话会”,一同探讨州内青年所面对的问题。 槟州首席部长曹观友说,今日的对话会共有来自78个组织,多达300名青年的出席。
YOUTHS are the leaders of tomorrow, as the saying goes. As such, it cannot be overstated that empowering and developing youths as leaders will play a big part...
THE Penang Youth Development Corporation (PYDC), in collaboration with several universities and colleges, will be organising the 2nd International Youth Conference 2022, themed ‘Better Mental Health and Well-Being for...