HELP in cash or kind for non-profit charitable homes is hard to come by these days because of the impact of Covid-19 on many a donor. St Nicholas...
Tag: St Nicholas Home
BEING a strong advocate of ‘No to Single-Use Plastic’, state Welfare, Caring Society and Environment Committee chairman Phee Boon Poh is urging the public to wear reusable face mask...
圣尼古拉盲人之家自行动管制令至今139天后,首日重启所有课程和服务,包括该院的托儿所(Taska OKU St. Nicholas)以及视障按摩院也重新复业,并首次为该院的托儿所进行线上筹款,目标希望筹获70万令吉,作为1年经费。 圣尼古拉盲人之家总经理张邦明说,该院每月的经费需14万令吉,一年经费就达170万令吉,托儿所每月就需要6万令吉,目前该院还在等待福利局提供拨款。
THE St Nicholas’ Home (SNH) for the blind in Bagan Jermal is still operating as usual despite facing challenges in the ongoing Covid-19 crisis. Its general manager David...