PENANG has embarked on an inspiring journey to establish itself as a prominent hub for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education, with the launch of the UK-Malaysia STEM...
PENANG requires a significant pool of highly-skilled talents to meet the growing demands of the state’s industries. Deputy Chief Minister II Jagdeep Singh Deo highlighted the urgent...
Welfare and community
Keysight praised for its contributions to local workforce and STEM initiatives
DEPUTY Chief Minister II Jagdeep Singh Deo was deeply impressed for several reasons when he visited Keysight Technologies for the second time in Bayan Lepas today. Jagdeep, who...
随着迈入工业4.0及数字化转型的时代,槟城政府透过槟城科学理事会、槟城数学平台、槟城圆顶科学馆、槟城数码图书馆及槟城技术发展中心,多管齐下进行各项计划来提升培养州内科技人才的效率,以应对工业对于人才需求。 人才发展对槟州的未来非常重要,因为相关人才是让国内及国际投资者,继续留在槟州投资的关键。为此,这些机构都在共同使命下,肩负着培养年轻一代的挑战,通过将人才与就业机会联系起来,弥补人力短缺的差距。