槟州地方政府事务委员会主席佳日星行政议员说,槟州政府透过Think City与联合国人居署(UN-Habitat)申请世界银行下的适应基金(Adaption Fund),原则上获得1000万美元款项的批准。 这项基金将拨给3个受益单位,分别为Think City、槟岛市政厅和水利灌溉局(JPS),以针对气候变化建立相关设施, 以及应对气候变化带来的各种挑战。
Tag: think city
Welfare and community
MBPP and Think City applying for RM41mil funding for climate adaptation programme
THE Penang Island City Council (MBPP) and Think City will be jointly applying for US$10 million (RM41.4 million) from the World Bank Adaptation Fund when they submit a final...
Welfare and community
Penang govt aims to create 100 community farms after launching pilot project
THE Penang government has set its sight on building 100 Community Farming projects in the next five years, especially by utilising available pockets of land in the state. ...
TAKING a serious view on climate change, Think City, in collaboration with the Penang government, has launched the Penang Climate Action Week (PCAW) in the state. State Welfare, Caring...