Towards a walkable city in Bayan Baru?



BAYAN Baru, located in the southwest district on the Penang Island, can be transformed into a ’15-minute Walkable City’ in the future.

Its MP Sim Tze Tzin said Bayan Baru, with its industrial, commercial and residential areas, could emulate Paris as one of the walkable cities in the world.

He said the area is currently choked with traffic gridlock, especially during peak hours.


“If this initiative materialises, it will be a boon for Penangites staying in the area.

“They can practise a healthy lifestyle as well as reduce the number of vehicles on the streets and subsequently reduce traffic congestion.

“I hope the people can have a 15-minute walk to schools, shopping complexes, entertainment venues, clinics and any accessible outlets nearby.

“With such an environment, I believe everyone will get to walk more often to stay healthy,” he said during a press conference which was also attended by state Local Government, Housing, Town and Country Planning Committee chairman Jagdeep Singh Deo at the Mahsuri Apartment in Bayan Baru today.

Jagdeep said the state had actually taken the initiative seriously while similar efforts had been implemented in George Town.


“We will study the proposal made by Sim and I will bring up this suggestion to the Penang Island City Council (MBPP) mayor Datuk Yew Tung Seang’s attention.

“I believe Yew will be supportive of this effort as well,” he said.

On a separate matter, Jagdeep urged the Communications and Multimedia Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah to prioritise the frontliners, especially journalists in terms of vaccinations.

“Journalists should be the priority group to be inoculated as well. I have received my vaccines but the media have not gotten their jabs.

“I hope Saifuddin can do something to ensure that the media personnel are being protected as well. They are exposed to Covid-19 risks as well,” he said.

Earlier, Jagdeep announced that the state has approved the upgrading of six elevators in Mahsuri Apartment, costing RM1.17mil.

Under the Penang Maximum 80% Maintenance Fund (TPM80PP), the state will bear 80% in total while the management corporation (MC) will fork out the remaining cost.

Story by Edmund Lee
Pix by Adleena Rahayu Ahmad Radzi