Training in CPR and AED usage essential to save lives

IT is important to be equipped with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills and know how to use the automated external defibrillator (AED) as they can save lives.


As such, the Penang Heart Safe Society (PHSS), together with the state Health Department, and Penang Youth Development Corporation (PYDC), will be organising an awareness campaign to provide training on CPR and AED, especially for the youth.


State Youth, Sports, and Health Committee chairman Daniel Gooi said Penang has been making continuous efforts since 2015 to raise awareness of CPR and AED usage.


“This programme is open for all, especially the youths.


“So far, we have received close to 300 participants registered for the campaign. Our target is 1,000 and we believe we can achieve that.

“There will be some 40 CPR trainers taking part in the programme as well as 40 AED trainers from ZOLL.


“Each slot is set to last 45 minutes,” Gooi said during his speech at the press conference at Komtar yesterday (Nov 14).


The CPR and AED 2023 training campaign (Belajar, Menyelamat, Mara: Kempen CPR & AED 2023’) is a collaborative effort between PHSS, Penang Youth Development Corporation (PYDC), and the state Health Department.


It will be held on Dec 10 from 8am to 1pm at the LAVA Mansion. For those who would like to participate in the programme, please register via the link


Gooi also shared that the state is also planning to set up a committee to coordinate the training of CPR and AED usage.


“Apart from that, the application for planning permission by the Penang Island City Council (MBPP) requires the installation of an automated external defibrillator (AED) for the construction of any new residential building.


“Now, the Seberang Perai City Council is also going to implement this policy,” he added.


Meanwhile, Penang Heart Safe Society (PHSS) chairman Datuk Dr Luah Lean Wah expressed hope that at least one individual from every family would possess knowledge of CPR and AED.

“We have over 200 public access defibrillators in Penang, and these include the ones installed by MBPP. Other private AEDs are also installed.


“So, that is why we want to form the CPR-AED committee to have an ‘AED registry’.


“We hope that corporate companies will support us through their corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, providing public access defibrillators (AEDs),” Dr Luah said, while urging sports associations to step forward and undergo training in CPR and AED use.


Also present were PYDC general manager Dr Gwee Sai Ling, Dr Suhaida Hanis from Hospital Kepala Batas, ZOLL Medical Malaysia Sdn Bhd public safety territory manager Sharon Ngu Chiew Hee, Safetyware chief operating officer Stephanie Kok and Douglas Yeap and Rayson Khoo from PHSS.


Story & Pix by Tanushalini Moroter