VSEP programme helps to build career for youth


THE VSEP Basic Skills programme is one of the initiatives taken by the Penang Youth Development Corporation (PYDC) to assist youth who are talented in building a career in the field of electronics and mechanical engineering.

At a press conference held by Jawi assemblymember H’ng Mooi Lye, he said that there are also difficulties encountered by youth to get the opportunity to be employed in the related industries due to a lack of exposure to the areas of electronics and mechanical engineering fields.

The VSEP Basic Skills Programme helps Penang youth through a 12-day intensive classes within a month.

This will help to boost their employment opportunities in the Penang industrial area.

“VSEP Basic Skills programme also provides opportunities for youths from families who are recipients of Penang’s Equal Economic Agenda, the Department of Social Welfare and Zakat of Penang.

“The organizers will also be giving RM300 incentives to the recipients coming from such background for the first month course classes with the requirement that they must have full attendance for the first month classes,” explained H’ng.

Story & Pix by: K.Thaarshenii