Women told to strive for success


WOMEN have yet to achieve gender parity in political and economic participation, state Women and Family Development, Gender Inclusiveness and Religions Other than Islam Committee chairman Chong Eng said.

Quoting the 2018 Malaysia Gender Gap Index Report, Chong Eng said there was still a gender gap between men and women in political and economic participation; nevertheless, the gap has been narrowed in the education sector.

“Women must continue to strive for success. Both men and women have equal responsibility to transform the state for the better, in line with the Penang2030 vision.

“We represent about half of the nation’s population; hence, we hold equal responsibility in contributing towards Malaysia’s economy,” Chong Eng said in her speech during the WomenBizSENSE 13th anniversary dinner at Olive Tree Hotel Penang on Oct 5.

The Chief Minister’s wife Tan Lean Kee congratulated WomenBizSENSE for their dedication in empowering women and the community.

“It is very encouraging to see how WomenBizSENSE strives to improve the lives of others through many noble deeds.

“I hope that the women entrepreneurs will continue to have a big heart and make a difference in Penang,’’ Tan said.

The organisation also treated 13 children from the Special Children’s Centre and 14 from the House of Hope.

WomenBizSENSE also managed to raise RM7,800 from the dinner to fund the annual bus fare for the children from the House of Hope.