RELIGION promotes social harmony and as such, everyone has been encouraged to join in tbe World Religion Day 2019 celebration.
The call was made by Chong Eng, the state executive member for Women and Family Development, Gender Inclusiveness and Religions other than Islam, during a press conference in Komtar today.
Also present was Penang Baha’i community chairman Chew Beng Cheong.
For the first time, Penang Baha’i community is collaborating with Chong Eng’s office to organise the World Religion Day on Jan 27 at Auditorium C, Level 5, Komtar from 10am to 12.45pm.
“We’re are on track in our Penang2030 vision by promoting various efforts via science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), artificial intelligence (AI), robotics and coding, business, investment and so forth for the betterment of Penang.
“In line with the rapid tandem, I wish to promote inter-religious harmony via joining World Religion Day. Religion is a promoter of social harmony.
“It promotes oneness of religion by highlighting the ideas that the spiritual principles underlying the world’s religions are harmonious, and that religions play a significant role in unifying humanity,” Chong Eng said.
Chew said the event would be a great platform to call people from different faiths to interact with one another.
“Whatever religious background you come from, the World Religion Day is a chance to speak to another with an open heart and open mind, share on culture, exchange ideas on religious matters and take the opportunity to learn from others,” said Chew.
World Religion Day was initiated by the Baha’i of the United States. It began to be observed internationally, starting with Australia in 1950 and Bolivia in 1951 and thereafter the celebration spread to many other countries.
Admission for the event is free and for further details on World Religion Day 2019 celebration contact Chew at 012-4093248 and Ms Yap at 012-4529925.
Story by K.Thaarshenii
Pix by Ahmad Adil Muhamad