Yeow Chye Art Studio shines in international arena

image 50461697 来自槟城亚依淡的耀才画室代表陈于慷(左起)、俞此鸿及俞此励(右1),在锺耀才老师带领出征到希腊比托拉参加绘画比赛,荣获全球最佳画室总冠军--最高荣誉大奖!


PENANG-based Yeow Chye Art Studio has recently achieved remarkable success on the global stage.


Participating in the 43rd Small Montmartre of Bitola 2024 in North Macedonia last month, the studio from Air Itam distinguished itself from 800 teams from 81 countries, securing the highest honour. The event featured a staggering total of 50,000 artworks.

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From left : E-Khang, Ci Hong, Cheng, and Ci Li celebrating after making the studio proud.

Led by teacher Cheng Yeow Chye, the studio sent three talented students – Jee Ci Hong, 19, his brother Ci Li, 17, and Tan E-Khang, 16 – who demonstrated exceptional skill and dedication throughout the week-long competition.


Speaking to Buletin Mutiara during an interview session recently, Cheng expressed pride in his students’ remarkable achievements.


“I did not set high demands initially, wanting them to learn and explore the awaited competition. However, they surpassed expectations and made the studio proud.



“This week-long competition tested their endurance and determination, particularly during the intense period of sketching and drawings. The most challenging moment was completing their paintings within 11 to 12 hours.


“Starting as early as 5am, with competitions running from 7am to 6pm, demanded significant physical endurance and well-being.


“In addition, time zone differences and jet lag from travel resulted in sleepless nights,” said the soft-spoken Cheng.


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The team is overjoyed after their remarkable feat

Cheng recalled how his students, particularly Ci Li, had made him proud during the competition.


“While he did not stand out like his peers, he made remarkable strides. He has improved immensely over recent months.


“Ci Li holds high aspirations but lacks confidence and self-esteem. I’ve encouraged him to celebrate his successes despite any shortcomings,” praised Cheng.


Cheng emphasised the importance of filial piety within the family, considering it invaluable.


“No matter how successful a person becomes, respect for elders remains essential,” Cheng said.


Discussing his responsibility for his students’ welfare during the outing, Cheng acknowledged a significant burden.


“I prioritised their safety and dietary needs during the week-long competition,” he said.

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The artwork produced by the students

During the interview session, Ci Hong, 19, currently pursuing a computer science degree at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), paid tribute to Cheng for his guidance.


“I’ve studied art here from a young age, and I was thrilled to represent the studio in this prestigious competition.


“It was unforgettable and my first time in Europe. The experience enriched my perspective, and I aspire to pursue a career related to art,” he said.


Ci Li, 17, Ci Hong’s younger brother at Chung Ling High School in Air Itam, expressed his gratitude to Cheng for mentoring him.


“Despite my limitations, I am honoured to hold a special place in my mentor’s heart. I will strive for greater success.

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“The competition pushed my boundaries, and I look forward to the next challenge,” said Ci Li.


Tan E-Khang, 16, a student at Chung Ling Private High School, mentioned facing difficulties in completing his artwork within a day.


“I felt pressure, having usually spent days on artwork. However, the competition pushed my limits, and I’m glad to have completed it,” he added.


Following their outstanding achievement, Yeow Chye Art Studio received RM8,000 from the state government as recognition and support, underscoring the studio’s impact on the local and international art community.

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Story by Edmund Lee
Pix courtesy of Yeow Chye Art Studio